
Sue Bastian
Sue Bastian has been involved with the IB for three decades and is widely known as one of the architects of the current Theory of Knowledge (TOK) programme. Sue has been Deputy Chief Examiner and Chief Examiner for ToK and is currently an IB Assistant Assessor, consultant, and workshop leader.

Julian Kitching
Julian Kitching has more than 25 years experience with the IB diploma - in Germany and Ghana, teaching mainly Biology and ToK, and serving as a programme coordinator. He has been deeply involved in every aspect of the development of ToK throughout that time.

Ric Sims
Ric Sims has taught ToK for nearly 25 years in a number of European schools in combination with Maths, Music, Philosophy, and Economics. He has extensive experience of curriculum development and he is a leading teacher trainer in ToK, having led more than 70 workshops over the last fifteen years. He teaches at Katedralskolan in Uppsala, Sweden.