Unpacking Your Kindergarten Classroom Kit 

Before you get into the Kindergarten Classroom Kit, take a few minutes to make sure you received all the components! Your Kindergarten Classroom Kit should include:

If you discover any missing or damaged components, please contact school_inquiries@pearsoned.com

Get Connected! 

Educator Website & Student-Home Website 

Included with your kit purchase is access to the Kindergarten online resources. The online resources include an Educator Website and a Student-Home Website. 

To access the Educator Website: 

  1. Ensure you have your username and password. This will be provided to you by your RE consultant or school principal. 
  2. Go to www.pearsoncanada.ca/growinginfaith/teacher

Note that teachers will also have access to the Parish website through your Educator website (Parish website coming later in 2023).  

To access the Student-Home Website: 

  1. Obtain family usernames and passwords from your RE consultant or school principal. 
  2. Share the username and password with children’s parents and caregivers. 
  3. Go to www.pearsoncanada.ca/school/growinginfaith/student-home  

If you have any questions while you are trying to access your websites, please email Religion Technology Support at retechsupport@pearsoncanada.com  


Implementation Support 

How-To Videos 

How-To videos will be added to the Educator Website. These videos will include the following:

  • Introducing the Educator Website  
  • Introducing the Student-Home Website 
  • Using the Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ Digital Student Resource
  • How to Download All Songs - Click HERE to download a step-by-step instruction on how to download all songs for the Kindergarten Program today.

Professional Development  

The Growing in Faith, Growing in Christ Kindergarten PD recording is now available! Click HERE to watch the recording today.

Pearson Canada is pleased to offer professional development sessions. We will work with you to develop a professional learning plan that supports implementation and develops a deeper understanding of religious teaching and learning.  

Contact our Digital Education Consultant, Kelly Ronan to discuss your professional development needs and learn about our half-day or full-day options.  

Technical Support  

For all technical issues, please contact Religion Technology Support:  
