
Benchmark Assessment System Research

Research Base

Irene C. Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell are committed to the important role of research on reading in the ongoing development and evaluation of the Benchmark Assessment System (BAS). Find the latest research and efficacy on BAS below.

Research Base for BAS

Field Study of Reliability and Validity

A formative evaluation of the Benchmark Assessment System was conducted to ensure that (1) the leveling of the texts is reliable and (2) the reading scores are valid and accurately identify each student's reading level. The purpose of the study was twofold. The first was to examine every book, at every level, for the reliability of its designated level within a broader literacy framework and across corresponding fiction and nonfiction genres, i.e., is the readability of the books consistent across the fiction and nonfiction domains? For example, are the level G fiction and nonfiction books not only typical level G books, but do corresponding fiction and nonfiction books at this level have the same degree of readability? The second purpose of the evaluation was to determine the correlation between the Benchmark Assessment System and other reading assessments, i.e., to what extent is the Benchmark Assessment System associated with other valid reading assessments?

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