Interactive Read-Aloud (IRA)

Expand students' thinking across the year with books that spark discussion and inquiry.

Interactive Read-Aloud promotes the joy of reading, expands children’s vocabulary, and increases their ability to think, talk, and write about texts that fully engage their interest.


The FPC Interactive Read-Aloud Collection is the foundation for literacy instruction. Organized into text sets that reflect a global perspective, it is rich with a diversity of characters, settings, and topics.

Explore the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum

Proficient readers and writers display recognizable behaviors at every stage of literacy learning. When teachers notice, teach, and support these behaviors, they link assessment to responsive teaching. This indispensable literacy tool identifies the behaviors that demonstrate thinking and understanding within, beyond, and about a text. These behaviors are described as continua of learning across eight instructional contexts.

Explore what the Fountas & Pinnell Literacy Continuum is, what’s included, how it’s implemented, and gain access to samplers, research, webinars, and more.

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FPC Research

Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell are committed to the important role of research in the development and ongoing evaluation of Fountas & Pinnell Classroom (FPC).

See all FPC Research Base

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