Empower readers and writers through word structure, vocabulary, and spelling instruction.

Morphological awareness empowers students as both readers and writers. When the teaching of morphology is explicit, students significantly increase their vocabulary and better understand both the structure and spelling of words. They further develop their abilities in both word recognition and reading comprehension.

The Bug Club Morphology kits provide everything you need for cohesive, integrated instruction in morphological awareness:

  • research-based scope & sequence
  • comprehensive lessons with background information, strategies/scripts for instruction, questions/prompts to stimulate thinking and discussion, and activities to consolidate/demonstrate learning
  • reading passages for group instruction and in-text practice and consolidation of learning
  • engaging STEAM topics & Indigenous perspectives that make the teaching of morphology and vocabulary more meaningful
  • flexible print and digital format that accommodates a range of teaching and learning styles.

Watch "An Introduction to Bug Club Morphology" video

How does Bug Club Morphology support learning?

The lessons in Bug Club Morphology bring together many aspects of literacy learning, including oral language, vocabulary development, word study (spelling, structural analysis, parts of speech), reading, and writing. All these aspects of language work together and depend on one another.

Word Study

Lesson includes activities for exploring spelling patterns, analyzing the structure of words, sorting words, applying phonics knowledge, and discussing parts of speech.


Lessons provide many opportunities for students to practice writing in various forms, often using the reading passages as mentor texts.

Vocabulary Development

Reading new vocabulary in the context of engaging reading passages will ground students’ understanding and help them make connections to broader concepts.

Oral Language

Lessons have been designed to ensure students can make predictions, articulate their thinking, construct meaning, and connect to prior learning through talk.

Text Types and Forms

Reading passages expose students to a variety of information text forms such as interviews, biography, procedural text, advertisements, and digital text forms.

Content Area Learning

By analyzing morphemes and learning their meanings, students become more confident and proficient in approaching unknown words in content area learning.

Can Bug Club Morphology be used in higher grade levels? 

Although Bug Club Morphology is intended for elementary and middle school students, the series can be appropriate for students as high as grade 12. It is purposefully designed to be used by students in higher grades who may face reading challenges and would benefit from explicit morpheme instruction. The student cards do not list grade levels and the non-fiction images are an entry point for older students. There are 76 lessons in the series, which provide teachers with more variety (text forms, STEAM focus) and engaging topics that can appeal to all students.