Discipline: International Languages

Copyright: 2017

Grade(s): 7 - 9

Program Type: Core

Delivery Method: Blended (Print & Digital)

Provincial Listings: Ontario - Trillium List

Imprint: Pearson Canada

Mon réseau, ma vie

Confidence in French Begins with Purposeful Language Learning

Developed for Adolescent Learners Taking Core French

Self-confident students tend to face situations head-on and be risk takers. They see a purpose in their learning and view learning in a positive light. Mon réseau, ma vie is designed to empower students with confidence in learning and using French. The program is function-driven and based on purposeful, action-oriented tasks set in a variety of authentic contexts, which students face in their daily lives.

Developed for Adolescent Learners Taking Core French, Mon réseau, ma vie features authentic texts that help students engage in relevant, meaningful communication in French.


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Module opener presents targeted language skills

Mon réseau, ma vie consists of four function-driven modules per grade. Each module’s opener presents student learning goals (À l’oral et à l’écrit….), as well as the three contexts of the module (Contexte A, Contexte B, Contexte C). At the end of each context is an assessment of learning task.

Mon réseau, ma vie is linked to the CEFR

Learner’s Profile: A1+ to A2-
Learners at this level are considered beginners. They can simply describe aspects about themselves, their immediate lives, their environment, and the people and things connected to it. Mon réseau, ma vie tasks are action-oriented and focus on A1+ to A2- language functions in a variety of specific contexts.

Learners act as social agents to complete tasks in authentic contexts intended to expand their knowledge and skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Throughout the modules, learners incorporate new and familiar language, think about strategies for successfully communicating ideas, and consider polite and culturally inclusive interactions with their peers.

Intercultural understanding is woven throughout

In Mon réseau, ma vie, a variety of cultures are incorporated and reflected in the texts. Intercultural awareness is developed when students are exposed to a variety of cultures (Francophone and others) and invited to observe elements they find interesting, similar to, or different from their own culture. Sociolinguistic conventions, or examples of language used in a variety of social situations, are highlighted in the texts.

Variety of texts to engage students

Mon réseau, ma vie features a large variety of text genres, including online forums, websites, graphic texts and quizzes, to name only a few. All texts reflect current content and are relevant to students, because we know that when students engage personally with content, they are more likely to succeed.

Reference tools encourage student autonomy

The back of each module features useful student reference tools: a visual dictionnary to assist students with comprehension, and a learning strategies section that includes listening, oral communication, reading and writing. At the end of each Context (A, B, C) in a module, students will find a Pour communiquer reference section, organized by language function.

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