Activity bursts
Grades K-2 - Language, The Senses
Find pictures or samples of several different tactile objects. (e.g., sandpaper, a bar of soap, gummy bears, felt, piece of plush fabric). Ask students to imagine what these various objects would feel like. What words would they use to describe how each object feels? Record students’ answers on a board or chart.
After sharing, ask the following questions:
- What sense would you use if you could actually handle these objects?
- What are the body’s other senses?
- How do our senses help us every day?
Explain that some people do not have all of these senses to rely on every day, so they need some help to understand and interpret the world around them.
Explain that people who cannot see at all (or have difficulty seeing objects) sometimes use braille to read, perform mathematical calculations, and express themselves. Search online for an image of the braille alphabet and have students try working with it. Ask students to print their own name the way they always do. Then ask them to draw dots to represent their name in braille.
Close by reminding them that braille is a wonderful way for some children to communicate. Try using the braille chart to print their last name!