There are many places to turn to for support if you are feeling sad, lonely, anxious, depressed or frightened. Ask students where they might go to for help if they were feeling vulnerable.
Note: This may be a sensitive area for some students. To reduce anxiety, you might want to offer the option of sharing these answers and discussions with one partner or writing their thoughts down, for their own use.
Explore the Kids Help Phone website as a class. A good starting point could be the section What is mental health?
After looking at the various components of the website, use a think-pair-share strategy to discuss these questions:
· Did you know about this website?
· Why do you feel this might be a good site to go to if you needed help?
· As a young person, what do you think are some reasons why people your age might turn to a site like this for help?
· What would you do if a friend needed help?
Remind students that we all experience many emotions as we grow up. By listening and communicating with friends and family and by reaching out to trusted resources, we can all help each other to get support if needed.