Brief Contents

  1. Understanding the Importance of the Environment 
  2. Establishing an Emotionally Supportive and Equitable Environment 
  3. Establishing a Context for Learning: Designing Schedules, Transitions, and


  1. Planning a Play-Based Curriculum 
  2. Arranging an Effective Environment 
  3. Design Considerations 
  4. Developing Dramatic Play Centers 
  5. Developing Manipulative and Sensory Centers 
  6. Developing Block and Building Centers 
  7. Developing Literacy Centers 
  8. Developing Science Centers 
  9. Developing Math Centers 
  10. Developing Visual Art Centers 
  11. Developing Music and Dance Centers 
  12. Integrating Technology 
  13. Special-Interest Centers 
  14. Creating Outdoor Environments 
  15. Creating Spaces for Families and Teachers 
  16. Meeting Environmental Challenges 

