Grades 7 and 8

What are the Features of Grades 7 and 8? is your on-line Teacher Hub filled with engaging Math lessons that are carefully curated to support your provincial curriculum. helps you:

  • Find and deliver engaging math lessons.
  • Differentiate your instruction through explicit next steps that support student growth.
  • Save planning time through built-in year plans that you can modify.
  • Discover student readiness for new Math concepts through quick and easy-to-deliver readiness tasks.

Authors Acknowledgements

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A Sneak Peek at Key Features in

Readiness Tasks

  • Readiness tasks provide you with a snapshot of your students’ understanding of specific math concepts. 
  • There are approximately 15–20 tasks per grade that reflect big ideas from the previous grade. 
  • Each task includes a maximum of 4 questions that takes approximately 30-45 minutes for students to complete.
  • Tasks are modifiable so you can choose to assign only some questions or modify them to best suit your students.
  • An answer key provides a sample solution for each question  

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Niluja Albert is the Department Head of Mathematics at a self-directed learning high school in Toronto that promotes interdisciplinary and project-based learning. She is also the lead teacher for a SHSM (Specialized High Skills Major Non-Profit) program with a STEAM lens for the Ministry of Education. The primary goal of this program is to attract, support and encourage young women and BIPOC students to pursue STEAM related fields through curriculum, mentorship and co-op opportunities. In addition to these roles, as a writer and curriculum Editor, Niluja is passionate about the creation of resources with a focus toward building and supporting more inclusive, culturally relevant, equitable, and responsive math experiences in classrooms across Canada.

Cathy Chaput is a retired educator with over 30 years of experience working with teachers and students. Throughout her career, she taught in classrooms from kindergarten through grade 8, and was fortunate to also have the opportunity to work with educators and administrators in her capacity as a Program Coordinator, with special responsibility for Mathematics. Cathy was blessed to engage in, and lead, a variety of professional learning opportunities. In addition, she had the privilege of offering the Primary/Junior Math Specialist AQ courses to teachers both within and outside of her school district, as well as serving as a Student Achievement Officer for the Ministry of Education. 

Cathy has been a long-standing (very grateful!) member of the Ontario Math Coordinators Association (OMCA) and served on the executive as vice-president and president. She was also a member of the Board of Directors for the Ontario Association of Math Educators (OAME) and has been a regular presenter at regional and provincial conferences. Cathy is a graduate of the University of Guelph and the University of Toronto. Teaching and learning math went from a challenge to a life-long passion, and helping learners to develop conceptual understanding, 

build confidence and enhance critical thinking will continue to be her quest. She is lucky that her husband, children and grandchildren are patient and supportive! 

Sheila Cunningham has 25+ years of dedicated experience in education. She is a seasoned educator and curriculum specialist. Even though Sheila completed her Master of Education in Administration from the University of Saskatchewan, her passion lies in curriculum and pedagogy. Throughout her career, she spent 10 years as a curriculum consultant for Saskatchewan Rivers Public School Division, primarily focused on K-12 mathematics and science education. Sheila facilitated workshops, explored innovative pedagogical approaches and assessment techniques. As a consultant she had the opportunity to collaborate with the Ministry of Education and school divisions in developing province-wide support material for mathematics and science.  

Sheila’s drive comes from a deep-seated enthusiasm for discovering novel methods that empower students to succeed in mathematics. She is currently back in the classroom as a high school mathematics teacher sing her gained experience to implement new pedagogies that she has researched and learned along her journey. Sheila's educational philosophy is students first. Her priority is seeking their input when experimenting with new teaching strategies. Every decision she makes is filtered through the mindset of what is good for students. Through her transformative approach to teaching mathematics, she is empowering her students to become confident, capable, and inspired learners who can tackle challenges with enthusiasm and achieve success in all aspects of their lives. 

Shawn Feener is the Mathematics and Sciences Consultant for the Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council, the most northern education body in the Northwest Territories. He has been an educator since 2010 when he began his teaching career in Ulukhaktok, NT. While in Ulukhaktok, he taught elementary, junior high, and high school math and science, and was a mathematics coach. He is grateful for the countless experiences and perspectives gained from students, colleagues and community members while in Ulukhaktok.

He holds a Master of Education in Curriculum Studies from Acadia University. Shawn is currently in year two of a Master of Education in Mathematics and Community from the University of British Columbia. Shawn enjoys making mathematics visual, promoting student’s conceptual understanding, and valuing multiple ways of knowing and doing mathematics.

Lisa Ann Ffloyd is currently a PhD candidate at Western University where she also teaches Computational Modelling in Mathematics and Science Education for Intermediate/Senior preservice teachers in the Bachelor of Education program. Her research focus is on coding in Mathematics and Science within teacher education. Lisa Anne has received several provincial and national teaching and research awards and has published in academic journals, book chapters and blogs. She has many years of experience teaching high school Computer Science, Mathematics, Science and Cooperative Education in the Thames Valley District School Board in London, Ontario. Lisa Anne enjoys sharing her passion for coding with students and educators in school districts and at educational conferences across North America. She is a proud mother of four children.

Tara Flynn is an educator, researcher, author, and editor. As Research Director of Dr. Cathy Bruce’s research program (Trent Math Education Research Collective), Tara has been honoured to work with hundreds of dedicated and innovative educators investigating the teaching and learning of mathematics, particularly in the areas of spatial reasoning and fractions. This collaborative approach to research has led to contributions such as the Ontario Ministry of Education document Paying Attention to Spatial Reasoning (co-author), the Pearson resource Taking Shape: Activities to Develop Geometric and Spatial Thinking, Grades K–2 (co-author and editorial project manager), and the ETFO resource Learning Through Teacher Research: A Guidebook for your Action Research Journey (principal author). A 3rd generation educator, Tara strongly believes in public education and in the meaningful involvement of educators in research, so that outcomes of that work both reflect and support the infinitely complex world of the classroom.

Marc Garneau is a Numeracy Helping Teacher for the Surrey School District in BC, in which capacity he supports the teaching, learning, and assessing of mathematics across grades K-12. Marc has served on the BCAMT (BC Association of Mathematics Teachers) Executive since 2001 in various roles including President, conference chair, and the NCTM/NCSM representative. Marc has also served on the K-12 BC Math Curriculum Committee, as well as nationally for the NCTM and NCSM. Marc has a passion for professional learning, and has done workshops provincially, nationally, and internationally. In recent years, Marc has focused much of his own learning, and workshops, around supporting the curricular competencies and on transforming assessment.

Liliane Gauthier

Chris Hunter has been teaching in Surrey for more than twenty years. Currently a numeracy helping teacher, formerly a high school math teacher and department head, Chris collaboratively works with–and learns from–teachers of mathematics from Kindergarten to Calculus; it is his privilege to be invited to teach in many different classrooms throughout Surrey. Chris supports educators across the province through his active involvement in the BCAMT; he currently serves as the President. Chris is passionate about designing experiences that engage learners in mathematical problem solving, reasoning, and communication. He blogs at

Miranda Kus is currently the Math Coordinator at Havergal College in Toronto, Ontario. She works in the junior school with teachers and students across kindergarten to grade 6 supporting mathematics teaching and learning. She has over 15+ years of experience working in schools across Toronto as both an elementary teacher and math consultant with the Toronto Catholic District School Board. It was here where she gained experience teaching a variety of different grades as well as facilitating professional learning with teachers. Following her work at the TCDSB, she had the incredible opportunity to join Pearson facilitating research and interviews, collaborating with authors and product development as well as creating and delivering professional learning opportunities for educators across Canada. 

Miranda completed her Bachelor of Education at the University of Windsor, and her Masters of Education at Brock University where she focused on the social and cultural contexts of education. She has a particular interest in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion as it relates to teaching and learning for all students.

Heather LaJambe

Kit Luce is currently a School Effectiveness Mathematics Facilitator for grades K - 9 with the Simcoe County District School Board. In her work, Kit creates math resources to support educators in their instruction and assessment practice. She also develops and facilitates professional development for her school board. 

Kit is actively engaged with the Ontario Association for Mathematics Education, serving as President Elect for 2023–2024. Kit is an AQ instructor for Lakehead University and Queen’s University and has reviewed and written Primary/Junior Mathematics AQ courses. She has written and reviewed work for a variety of publishers including Pearson, Nelson, Knowledgehook and Rubicon.

Heather Minielly has been a K-8 educator for 30 years and is now a freelance educational consultant.  She has been fortunate to work in a variety of roles, including classroom teacher, school administrator, Regional Mathematics Consultant and Student Achievement Officer for the Ontario Ministry of Education.  She has facilitated mathematics professional learning at the school, regional and provincial levels and authored and teaches the Primary Junior Additional Qualification Courses in Mathematics for Queen’s University.  Heather is passionate about leading professional learning through a collaborative professional learning approach, in classrooms with real students, where the impacts of lesson design can be observed in the moment.  Heather has always been a strong advocate for instructional approaches that foster a positive disposition towards mathematics for all students, and she was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute her ideas as a writer for Mathology.

Ann Pigeon is a retired educator of 31 years. In her career, she had the privilege to work in a variety of roles including: Learning Coordinator for Mathematics, which gave her the opportunity to be in hundreds mathematics classrooms, working with dedicated teachers through collaborative inquiry; Student Achievement Officer with the Ontario Ministry of Education, facilitating math professional learning at the provincial, regional, and school level; and classroom teacher, where she shared her love of teaching mathematics with students and colleagues.  Ann holds a Master of Education in Curriculum Studies in Mathematics.  She is passionate about supporting both teachers and students in developing a conceptual understanding of mathematics and making math accessible to all.

Wilma Simmons was an educator for 36 years with the Toronto Catholic District School Board. She started her career as a classroom teacher and was privileged to work in many other roles. Her passion for learning new pedagogy and her training in collaborative inquiry and cooperative learning, afforded her the opportunity to be a professional learning network teacher. With the focus on junior Literacy and Numeracy, Wilma provided professional development for educators in families of schools and created vast networks for teachers to share resources and plan together. She enjoyed writing and coordinating the after school and summer school programs and loved creating and teaching a Primary/Junior Math Additional Qualifications course. She was a member of the Toronto Educators Association for Mathematics, and helped plan and present at the conferences. Wilma ended her career as a Math Resource teacher where she facilitated Math Study Groups, guiding teachers and principals to adopt sound pedagogy and practice. She also co-taught with teachers which always brought her so much joy! In her retirement years, she is happy doing consulting work, while she enjoys spending time with her granddaughter and playing with her grand puppy. Of course, she loves doing sudokus and does not miss the daily Wordle!

Erik Teather has had the opportunity to work in Ontario elementary mathematics education for close to 20 years. His various roles have included classroom teacher, math coach, and consultant. Erik has also served as President of the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (OMCA), and has recently taught additional qualification courses for the Ontario College of Teachers. He continues to be excited about working with students and educators as they look for the mathematics in their world in ways that help them reason and make sense of the mathematics they are learning.

Shelley Yearley After 8 years as a Provincial Lead of Mathematics on assignment with the Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE), Shelley returned to the classroom teaching mathematics in Trillium Lakelands DSB for 3 years before retiring. While on assignment, the key project within her portfolio was the action research led by Dr. Cathy Bruce of Trent University that focused on the teaching and learning of fractions. This work, a partnership between CODE, Trent University, and the Ontario Ministry of Education, involved students and educators from K–12 classrooms in several Ontario district school boards. Shelley also played a role in the development of numerous resources and professional learning supports for K–12 educators, including the Paying Attention to… series and the provincial GAINS Math CAMPPPs. Shelley has served on a number of committees, including NCTM’s Educational Materials Committee (2014–2017), Action Research Network of the Americas Executive Committee (2009–2014), Ontario Ministry of Education Connecting Practice and Research — Mathematics Advisory Panel (2007–2010), and as an executive member of the Ontario Mathematics Coordinators Association (2002–2006). Educators’ passion for learning and desire for quality research-based educational tasks inspires Shelley to continue to support an increased alignment between research and classroom practice. 

Mathology 7-8 Acknowledgements

Anderson Klassen, Pam 

Saskatchewan Public School Division, SK 

Armstrong, Jeannie 

Peterborough, Victoria, Northumberland and Clarington Catholic School Board, ON 

Auger, Marianne  

Trillium Lakelands District School Board, ON 

Beckles, Octavia  

Curriculum Consultant: Mathematics and Culturally Relevant and Responsive Practices, ON 

Calder, Danielle    

School District #22, BC 

Chisholm, Patty  

Keewatin-Patricia District School Board, ON 

Cutajar, Charlotte 

Toronto District School Board, ON 

Drake, Raime  

Pembina Hills School Division, AB 

Drummond, Brooke 

Portage La Prairie School Division, MB 

Dugan, Peggy 

Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools, AB 

Gartner, Shelley 

Calgary Catholic School Division, AB 

Graham, Michael 

South East Cornerstone Public School Division #209, SK 

Hines, Adam 

Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education, NS 

Jenkins, Colleen 

Grasslands Public Schools, AB 

Kestell, MaryLou 

Provincial Math Facilitator (retired), ON 

La Gamba, Daniel 

York Catholic District School Board, ON 

Lewis, Lanya 

Durham District School Board, ON 

McPherson, Rachel

Durham District School Board, ON

McTavish, Claire

Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools, SK 

Minchella, Michael

York Region District School Board, ON

Muirhead, April

Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education, NS 

Parkes, Stephanie

Beaufort Delta Divisional Education Council, NWT

Pearce, Meagan

Peel District School Board, ON 

Pemberton, Brad

Annapolis Valley Regional Centre for Education, NS

Roberge, Anne

Sudbury Catholic School Board, ON 

Robinson, Susan

Gulf Islands School District #64, BC

Smits, Mélanie

Ontario Ministry of Education, ON 

Sullivan, Dianne

Peel District School Board, ON

Theijsmeijer, Heather

Rainbow District School Board, ON 

Tran, David

Peel District School Board, ON

West, Krista

Peel District School Board, ON 

Wiebe, Jerrold

Numeracy & Mathematics Consultant, MB

Zuvela, Mitchell

Southeast Kootenay School District #5, BC