After a successful pilot program, LethSD 51 implemented Pearson’s Well Aware program districtwide in 2016.
Through a series of short books for Grades 4–8 written by acclaimed Canadian children’s authors, the program provides an awareness of mental health issues and fosters discussion on a wide variety of topics related to emotional well-being.
Teachers incorporate the texts and activities into their existing literacy and health programs, making it easy to add to the curriculum and get students talking about mental health in a comfortable setting.
Ashelyn Redman, a grade 4/5 teacher at Fleetwood Bawden Elementary School says the program is just what students needed.
“Well Aware really breaks mental health apart and looks at knowledge and strategies that kids can use every day in every family,” explains Redman. “It doesn’t matter what type of family background you come from, you’re going to use the information yourself or you’re going to have kids around you that need you to understand them.”
Both King and Redman say the quality of the program materials helped make it successful in the district.
“For the kids, the Well Aware program has been fantastic because the materials are so awesome. The stories we read are so well done, interesting, meaningful and timely,” explains King.
“That’s the magic of the Well Aware program—kids are eating these stories up and then read them a number of times over. Once we hook their attention and engagement with the books and then we deliver the lessons, it just flows naturally. It’s made a huge impact, frankly.” Redman agrees that the activities are exceptionally engaging. “This isn’t superficial literacy or just fill in the blanks. You actually engage the learner and help them think critically.”
She also says the sheer amount of resources and activities available not only saves teachers time but allows them to tailor lessons to suit students’ learning styles and needs.