Discipline: Literacy

Grade(s): K-6

Delivery Method: Digital

Recommended Hours:

10 min a day (3 days per week)

30 min per week (minimum)

Imprint: Amira Learning

Amira Learning

Science of Reading Meets AI

Amira is an AI-powered reading tutor that listens to students read out loud, assesses mastery, screens for dyslexia, and delivers personalized one-on-one tutoring for students who are learning to read. Amira was developed based on decades of research at Carnegie Mellon University.

Amira is the only digital solution designed around science of reading frameworks and directly delivering tutoring to science of reading principles.

  • Created by leading reading scientists
  • Designed around the Reading Rope
  • In-the-moment SoR interventions
  • Reading based on reading, not clicking
  • No cueing or cluing
  • Utilizes decodable texts
  • Explicit, systematic instruction in phonics and phonological awareness
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What are the benefits of using Amira?

Personalized Tutoring

Amira marries speech recognition and artificial intelligence with the Science of Reading to deliver personalized and in-the-moment tutoring to students as they practice.

Accelerates Growth

Multiple independent studies demonstrate that students who read with Amira for 10 minutes a day experience reading growth at a rate 2X faster in comparison to students who do not read with Amira.

Aligned to the Science of Reading

Amira coaches students through Science of Reading principles, and presents data to teachers through the Five Pillars of Reading.

Revolutionary Insights for Educators

Each reading session generates real-time actionable data, including progress reports, instructional recommendations, and diagnostic data down to the phoneme level.

Teacher/Student Testimonial

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District leader Testimonial

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