Discipline: Professional ResourcesInternational LanguagesFrench Immersion

Copyright: 2018

Grade(s): K - 12

Delivery Method: Print

Imprint: Pearson Canada

Author(s): Katy Arnett, Renée Bourgoin

Language(s): French, English

Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners

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Access for Success: Making Inclusion Work for Language Learners is the first educational text of its kind to integrate principles and theories about Universal Design for Learning and language learning with practical strategies to address the diverse needs of today’s language learners in Canada. Drs. Katy Arnett and Renée Bourgoin accomplish this by establishing four Access Points or steps to inclusive language education:

  1. Knowledge IS access.
  2. Know your language learners. Empower them.
  3. Universal language actions and differentiation that support comprehension, production, attention, and overall language development.
  4. Make informative decisions regarding assessment and protocols to facilitate inclusion.

The authors’ strategies are backed by sound research and years of in-class, hands-on experience. Access for Success is a comprehensive resource that can be used by all second-language teachers who seek to make inclusion part of their classrooms.

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