Unit titles at this grade are:
- Square Roots and the Pythagorean Theorem
- Integers
- Operations with Fractions
- Measuring Prisms and Cylinders
- Percent, Ratio and Rate
- Linear Equations and Graphing
- Data Analysis and Probability
- Geometry
Student Edition
- This student book meets the needs of the adolescent learner with its open page design and appropriate reading level. A consistent three-part lesson model supports problem based learning which helps students gain a deep understanding of math and become lifelong problem solvers.
Available in two formats:
- Hardcover student book
- Pearson eText format for home and school access
Practice / Homework Book
Offers a balance of review and extra practice to reinforce key skills for each lesson in the student text. In addition there are engaging puzzles and games, activating prior knowledge exercises, and literacy activities for each unit in the student text. Teacher Edition also available.
This ProGuide offers in print and electronic format (DVD and CD-ROM) Mathematics Background for the unit, Curriculum Overview, Planning for Instruction, Planning for Assessment, suggestions for additional activities, and a comprehensive set of editable blackline masters. Within the unit module, each lesson is supported with complete teaching notes and assessment support.
Unique to the ProGuide DVD are interviews with leading educators discussing the 'Big Ideas' in mathematics as well as providing background information in 'Unit Talks'. Authentic classroom video modeling lessons that use 'problem-based' learning, will provide teachers with a professional learning experience seldom seen before. The DVD can be used with 'whiteboard' technology to support whole class instruction because the student text pages are provided in electronic format.
ExamView Extra Practice and Test Generator CD-ROM
Using ExamViewTM technology, you can create custom pretests, chapter, unit, and end-of-year tests, plus practice worksheets and study guides. Access and edit from a large question bank featuring multiple-choice, short answer, true/false questions, and more.