MathXL for School

Help Your Students Study Smarter

MathXl for School is an online homework and study program. It assesses students needs and develops a personalized study plan to close gaps.  Through algorithmically generated questions and step-by-step learning aids, students build mastery and confidence.

MathXL for School also lets teachers quickly create customized tests and homework assignments that are automatically marked and tracked in a comprehensive Grade Book system.  And because it's based on your Pearson resource, it's easy to use.

Discipline: Mathematics

Program Type: Supplemental

Delivery Method: Digital

Province: National

Imprint: Pearson Canada

Student Access License:

  • Generates personalized study plans for self-paced learning
  • Builds understanding through interactive tutorial exercises
  • Complete digital version of the Student Edition with scaffolded multi-media learning aids

Teacher Access License:

  • Assigns, tracks and marks homework
  • Powerful test management system
  • Content specifically developed for the resource

Video: Math XL for School
MathXL for School is an innovative online homework and tutorial system that helps students study smarter. In this video, hear from Canadian teachers and students on why they found MathXL for School to be so effective.

Math XL for School: An online Homework and Tutorial System
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