Global Connections: Investigating World Issues, 3rd Edition

Updates and New Features to 3rd Edition

  • Course themes- quality of life, globalization, and sustainability
    • These course concepts will appear as:
    • Narrative inserts, within the body of the paragraphs, to highlight the relevant theme and to pose
    • a question to students based on their reading in that section
    • Captions and questions found within captions
    • Case Studies and Working it Out Features will include questions on these concepts as relevant
    • End of Chapter questions related to a specific theme will be marked by an icon at the end of the question (Q, G, S)
  • Images will be updated, engaging and relevant to the context of the chapter; captions will support critical thinking and will include a question.
  • Maps, Chart, and Graphs updated and redesigned for accessibility as well as for easier reading on the page.
  • New Reading Supports to help make this resource more accessible to all students: bolded words provide a definition at point of use on the page, all bolded words appear in a glossary at the end of the resource, section heads will be numbered, and additional sub-heads added to break up text blocks and to guide reading.
  • Working it Out - skill development feature designed to help students apply critical thinking and analysis skills.
  • Case Study - is an in-depth look at an example designed to support the content of the chapter section.
  • Did You Know feature provides an interesting piece of information related to the content on the page.
  • Weblinks - one or more links support content on that page; allows for content to be kept current in some cases; supports student research and inquiry; links are updated annually