Table of Contents
Strategy Lessons
1. Turn and Talk
2. Read with a Question in Mind
3. Text Annotation
4. Text Coding
5. Sketching Through the Text
6. Two-Column Notes
7. Reading a Visual Image
8. Think Aloud
9. Pair Reading
10. Save the Last Word for Me
11. Conversation Questions
12. Support Your Position
13. Written Discussion
14. Text on Text/Collaborative Annotation
15. Alternative Perspective Writing
16. Point-of-View Annotation
17. Arguing Both Sides
18. Where Do You Stand?
19. Gallery Walk
20. Carousel Brainstorming
21. Tableaux
22. Quotation Mingle
23. Jigsaw
Text Set Lessons
1. Invasive Species
2. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
3. Country X
4. Factory Farming
5. Child Labor
6. E-Waste
7. Crash
8. Privacy
9. Pandemic
10. Encounters