I. Learning to Write in a Quality Early Literacy Program
1. What Is Interactive Writing?
2. Interactive Writing Within Language and Literacy Learning
3. Organizing Space and Materials to Support Interactive Writing
II. Sharing the Pen with Young Writers
4. Essential Elements of Interactive Writing
5. Learning Writing: Composing a Text
6. Constructing a Text: Learning About Letters and the Printer's Code
7. Constructing a Text: Learning How Words Work
III. Young Writers Explore Texts Across the Curriculum
8. Learning About Literature Through Interactive Writing
9. Learning About Expository Text Through Interactive Writing
10. Using Expository Writing as a Tool for Inquiry
IV. Young Writers Engage in the Literacy Journey
11. Knowing Young Writers: The Foundation for Effective Teaching
12. Making Decisions for Effective Teaching
13. Adjusting Teaching and Texts to Move Writers Forward
V. The Foundations of Effective Writing Practice
14. Why Interactive Writing Helps Children Learn
15. Getting Started with Interactive Writing
A. Specifications for Easel B. Bibliographies: Folk Tales; Informational Books: Sample Themes; Concept Books; Books Illustrating Literary Patterns; Poetry C. Self-Assessment of Interactive Writing