About the Continuum
What is the Literacy Continuum?
by Canadian Fountas & Pinnell Consultant, Barbara Hill
The Continuum is a tool which allows you to analyze texts and student reading and writing behaviour to promote greater proficiency. It will help you avoid the pitfalls of prescribing tasks which are not quite what your students need at this time for their next steps. It is a complex, cumulative document in which specific behaviours and understandings at each grade and text level gradually build in carefully calibrated increments of difficulty across all literacy contexts within a school day.
The Continuum provides descriptions of text characteristics and student proficiencies across eight instructional contexts.
- Interactive Read-Aloud
- Shared and Performance Reading
- Writing About Reading
- Writing
- Oral and Visual Communication
- Technological Communication
- Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study
- Guided Reading
The brief introduction to the continuum is packed with valuable information. It describes the principles the continuum is based on, provides an overview of the content, and suggests ways to use the continuum. Each of the instructional contexts has a very brief introduction which describes that context, how it is organized and how to use it in your classroom setting.
The Continuum also includes an appendix about Grammar, Usage and Mechanics which students learn across all the continua. This appendix is designed to give you a body of knowledge to help you think about the kind of constructions and mechanics you want students to notice. It recommends that, rather than teaching by correcting their errors, you immerse students in rich talk and teaching in order to support them as they build a working knowledge of oral and written language structures.