Discipline: Professional Resources
Copyright: 2012
Grade(s): K - 5
Delivery Method: Print
Imprint: Heinemann
Author(s): Lester L Laminack, Reba M Wadsworth
Bullying Hurts: Teaching Kindness Through Read Alouds and Guided Conversations

We believe focused read aloud experiences with carefully selected children’s literature followed by guided conversations is one way you can create a climate in your classroom, school, or district where bullying is not an accepted or rewarded behavior. A climate where an individual’s humanity and human dignity trump any difference(s) and kindness is the order of the day.”
—Lester Laminack and Reba Wadsworth
Bullying Hurts is not your same-old anti-bullying guide. Lester Laminack and Reba Wadsworth show how the read aloud, a familiar and proven instructional technique, can be used as a powerful way to neutralize bullying behaviors, create community in the classroom, and help you meet the Common Core State Standards at the same time.