Christine Drotos
Grade 1 teacher | Ontario | St. Lawrence Catholic School
“Mathology is grounded in research. You can tell Pearson spent the time working with kids, teachers, and educators and working with the research knowledge that’s out there about what we know about math and how to teach math.”
Christine Drotos
“I can’t think of a day this year since I started to use Mathology that I really sat them down to do a pencil and paper task.”
Christine Drotos
“These kids are a lot more confident in terms of their knowledge of math. They love math a lot more than they might have before because they’re involved and doing activities.”
Christine Drotos
“It really de-escalated their worries around always needing to have the right answer in math. For those who weren’t confident in their math capability, it gave them the opportunity to still answer and share how they did something without worrying about being wrong. I liked that a lot.”
Christine Drotos
“I was looking for a program that was very hands-on and relatable for students and that’s what I found in Mathology.”
Christine Drotos