Discipline: Literacy


Grade(s): 10 and up

Theme: Goal-Getters

Imprint: Pearson

Longman Academic Series

Longman Academic Series helps learners develop their reading and writing skills, from the basic composition of sentences and paragraphs to academic essays and research papers.

This series takes students from composing sentences to writing research papers with accompanying dictionaries tailored for each level.

Longman Academic Series develops learners' reading and writing skills to succeed in their academic careers. The five-level writing series takes students from composing sentences to writing research papers. In addition to providing clear explanations and extensive practice, this course consistently emphasizes sentence mechanics and grammar.

The step-by-step approach helps students produce a well-organized, clearly developed portfolio that is the foundation of academic coursework.

The reading series is organized by themes from academic disciplines. Authentic readings from a variety of sources engage students’ interest. It helps students develop academic knowledge, vocabulary, and reading strategies and skills.

Why choose Longman Academic Series?

  • Guidance on complete writing journey from pre-writing to revision
  • Interactive tasks empower learners to peer review and receive feedback
  • Includes digital resources for independent practice anytime, anywhere