Special Awareness Days

June 3th - National Health and Fitness Day


Health and fitness are important every day but the first Saturday in June has officially been titled National Health and Fitness day in Canada. This day represents the efforts of Canadians to engage in fitness activities of any kind in order to strive to be the ‘Fittest Nation on Earth!” In 2014, the Canadian government passed the National Fitness Act to inspire Canadians to be fit and more active. Since then, more than 270 communities across Canada have marked the day with local events to celebrate and promote the use of indoor and outdoor sport and fitness facilities. Check online as well as with inclusive recreation programming in your region.

Activity Bursts

Grades K-2

Physical Activity, Health


  • What do you think it means to be “fit?”
  • Do you think you are fit? How do you know?
  • Why do you think it is important to be fit?
  • What kinds of things do you and your family do to keep fit and healthy?

Set up a large calendar for the remaining days in the month of June. Plan an activity for at least 20 minutes every day. Include a variety of ideas that will be fun and will promote strength, endurance and flexibility. Add ‘rainy day’ options at the bottom. Encourage students to think of creative ways to engage in physical activity within the parameters of safety and physical ability.

Many great activity ideas can be found online, such as Fitness Circuit Course.

Once the calendar is complete, set a time each day to get fit! Encourage students to create their own calendar and post it at home so that they can stay fit and healthy all summer.

Ask students to remind their families that the first in June is National Health and Fitness Day! Perhaps they can also include a fitness activity as part of a family celebration!

Close by reminding students that being fit and healthy is not a one-day event. The most important thing to remember is to do something active every day for at least 60 minutes.

Share the National Health and Fitness Day website with students to see if your community has proclaimed the day and plan to get involved to make it even more successful.

Spread the word! Help us engage all Canadians in National Health and Fitness Day. 

Grades 3-5

Physical Activity, Health, Science, The Environment

Brainstorm or word map things that students do to keep themselves healthy and fit. Encourage them to think of things they would normally do alone, with friends, at school, in their community and with their family.

Explain that the first Saturday in June is National Health and Fitness Day in Canada.  This day represents the efforts of Canadians to engage in fitness activities of any kind in order to strive to be the “Fittest Nation on Earth!”


  • Why do you think Canada has identified this day?
  • What do you think it means to be “fit?”
  • How can being fit help our bodies to stay healthy?

Brainstorm things that could be done safely any time of year to recognize the importance of being healthy and fit.

Select a few practical and safe activity ideas from their lists and invite students to share or demonstrate their commitment to being healthy and fit!

After their experience(s), ask:

  • Why do you think it is important to engage in daily physical activity? 
  • How does being physically active contribute to your overall health?
  • What are three things you learned about the importance of being fit and healthy?
  • What do you plan on doing on doing with your family to mark this special day?

Close by reminding students that being fit and healthy is not a one-day event. The most important thing to remember is to do something active every day for at least 60 minutes. Brainstorm things they can do in the summer to keep active.

Encourage students to check out the National Health and Fitness Day website to see if your community has proclaimed the day and plan to get involved to make it even more successful.

Spread the word! Help us engage all Canadians in National Health and Fitness Day this year and every year!

Grades 6-8

Physical Education, Community Involvement, Health


  • What is the relationship between being fit and being healthy?
  • On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being extremely fit and healthy, where would you place yourself? (This could be a graphing exercise.)
  • Why did you place yourself at this point? What do you do to keep fit and healthy?
  • What are some of the reasons why it is important to keep active? Why might daily physical activity be especially important during challenging times when we feel anxious or stressed?

Explain that the first Saturday in June has been designated as Canada’s National Fitness and Health Day. It represents the efforts of Canadians to engage in fitness activities of any kind in order to strive to be the “Fittest Nation on Earth.” Ask them what they plan to do with their families on this day to mark the occasion.

Remind students that everyone their age should have at least 60 minutes every day of physical activity — and that applies to all four seasons! Ask them to indicate through a show of hands whether they believe that they have at least this much physical activity every day. 

Brainstorm practical activities that will demonstrate their commitment to be healthy and fit.

Select a few of the most popular ideas and have fun! 

Close by asking:

  • What did you like about these activities?
  • Would you like to do something like this again?
  • What did you learn about fitness and health through these activities?
  • What one word would you use to describe this experience?

Suggest that each student set up a fitness and health activity schedule for the summer. Tell them to include any camps, organized sports or family adventures in the plan. Share the plans and allow time for students to add more ideas once they have listened to their classmates’ plans.

Encourage students to check out the National Health and Fitness Day website to see if your community has proclaimed the day and plan to get involved to make it even more successful.

Spread the word! Help us engage all Canadians in National Health and Fitness Day this year and every year!

Special Days This Month