Grades 3-5 - Language
Ask students to think of someone in your school or community that they would like to thank. Discuss options and what might be the content of a note or letter to this person. Review the standard format for letter writing and ask the students to hand-write a letter to this person. Emphasize detail and format. Make an envelope and have the students deliver their mail directly to the recipient, if possible. Process the experience by asking the students why a handwritten note or letter might mean more to someone than an email or text.
Grades 6-8 - Language
There are many forms of letter writing that may be interesting for your students to explore here.
Discuss when a hand-written letter might be the best form of communication. Who would appreciate getting a hand-written letter? Why?
Explain that although most people today use technology to write and edit their correspondence, letter writing itself is still an important skill.
Review the format for a formal letter (see sites below for helpful templates). Ask the students to use the correct format for a formal letter and apply for a job as something whimsical such as a Drone Designer or a Smart Phone Case Developer. Generate a list with students of some other fun or kooky jobs that they could use for the subject of their letter.
Brainstorm some skills that may be required for the position and what might make their letter stand out from the others. Share when completed.