Share the information in the introduction about the International Day of Sign Languages.
Explain that in Canada there are two official Sign languages: American Sign Language (ASL) and la Langue des Signes Quebecoise (LSQ). There is also a regional dialect, Maritimes Sign Language (MSL). It is through ASL that the Deaf community communicates and shares experiences, stories, poetry, humour, etc. In addition to Deaf users of ASL, many others may use ASL as a second or additional language.
Obtain a chart of the ASL alphabet (many are available online, e.g., here). Project it or distribute copies to students.
Ask students to learn how to Sign their names. Share them with the group.
Close by asking:
- Did you find this easy or hard? Please explain.
- How is learning Sign language like learning any other language? How is it different? Discuss.
- Why do you think we did this lesson today?
Allow students time to rehearse Signing their name and invite them to share what they have learned today with their families.