Each chapter begins with childhood memories that are intended to be evocative for the reader followed by our vision for outdoor play today and information related to positioning outdoor play in the lives of children.

  1. Introduction to Outdoor Play and Nature
  2. Historical and Philosophical Foundation for Outdoor and Nature Play
  3. Canadian and International Research on Outdoor Play
  4. Loose Parts: Using Natural and Found Materials in Outdoor and Nature Play
  5. The Relationship of Outdoor and Nature Play to Development, Health, Learning, and Thinking
  6. Outdoor Play That Involves Challenge, Adventure, and Risk
  7. Nature-based Early Learning Programs
  8. Outdoor Classrooms and Natural Playgrounds
  9. Aboriginal Learning and Outdoor Play, Nature, and the Environment
  10. Children’s Outdoor Play and Environmental Sustainability
  11. Programming from a Four Season Perspective
  12. Supporting Families in Connecting Children’s Play to Their Development
  13. Documentation and Assessment of Children’s Outdoor Play Spaces