Ready, Set, Spark

Spark Reading Newsletter | Dec 2021

This month, we’re sharing details about our DEI review, a new self-assessment feature, over 100 new French books, and this issue’s Book Spotlight, which highlights books supporting science.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Spark Reading


Listen to Myself Reading Feature Helps Students Self-Assess

With the new Listen to Myself Reading feature, your students can engage in assessment-as-learning practices while increasing self-awareness of their reading process. Super helpful for your busy classrooms!

Students can record themselves reading with Listen to Myself Reading. Next, they can independently answer questions that encourage them to think about themselves as developing readers. These questions also motivate students to think about how they apply comprehension strategies and decoding skills.

As your students reflect on these questions, they’ll also build their metacognitive vocabulary and understanding around literacy strategies and skills.

Try Listen to Myself Reading with your students today.
This quick how-to video can help you get started.

We’ve added French books!

French Immersion classrooms now have digital access to a library of 110 French books in addition to Spark’s 711 English books.

Students can read or listen to books from three popular series including Les Échos de L’île de la Tortue (Turtle Island Voices), Vivre au Canada (Celebrate Canada), and Petits livrets de Mathologie (Mathology Little Books).

Each book is read aloud by francophone actors at a pace appropriate for a French immersion context. All Teaching Notes and activities are also in French. Use our new language filter to find and use these titles today!

Cross-Curricular: Science
Did you know you can filter books by discipline? Here are some examples of the high-quality books you’ll find in Spark that relate to our Canadian science curriculum.

Level D

Level K

Level L

Level P

Level R

Level W