The following pedagogical features are included in each chapter:

  • Objectives. At the beginning of each chapter, learning outcomes are suggested.
  • Exhibits/focus boxes. Figures, charts, and tables are used to summarize research. Boxes highlight material, provide samples, and help organize, illustrate, and simplify information.
  • Reflection exercises. These are provided in each chapter to give readers the opportunity to consider chapter theory.
  • Key terms and concepts. These are identified in boldface type on first use, and definitions are located in the margins and in a glossary at the end of the book.
  • Activities. Student activities are designed to stimulate the reader to foster critical thinking and reflection, and to apply concepts to practice.
  • Recommended readings. Suggestions for further reading are given for each chapter.
  • Weblinks. This feature provides access to further resources.
  • Appendix. A list of government and professional organizations, including Internet addresses, is given at the end of the book.