Thinking It Through: A Social Studies Sourcebook

GRADE 9 RESOURCES (1750 - 1919)List of resources that meet the current BC Grade 9 Social Studies Curriculum: Crossroads Module: Democracy & the Modern World (available in print & digital pack) Crossroads Module: Global Transformations (available in print & digital pack) Thinking it Through: A Social Studies Sourcebook (available in print & digital) Horizons: Can… Read more

GRADE 9 RESOURCES (1750 - 1919)

List of resources that meet the current BC Grade 9 Social Studies Curriculum:

  1.  Crossroads Module: Democracy & the Modern World (available in print & digital pack)
  2.  Crossroads Module: Global Transformations (available in print & digital pack)
  3.  Thinking it Through: A Social Studies Sourcebook (available in print & digital)
  4.  Horizons: Canadas Emerging Identity (available in print & digital)

This Sourcebook will help students develop their critical thinking skills as they explore selected topics from the revised BC Social Studies 9 Curriculum.

Thinking it Through is organized according to CONTENT STANDARDS, each with four case studies in critical thinking: Revolution and Change, Imperialism and Colonialism, Migration and Shifting Population, Nationalism and Nation-Building, Regional and Global Conflict, Injustices and Rights, Land and People.

The authors have selected primary and secondary sources, all kinds of questions, and suggested extension activities for 28 topics or case studies. Each one is a sandbox for teachers and students to explore CURRICULAR COMPETENCIES and apply historical (and geographic) thinking concepts. Students will push their thinking about what they can learn from evidence, and realize how the account changes depending on the evidence they use.

Finally, by developing the ability to think through historical, social, or geographic evidence, students will learn how BIG IDEAS have shaped the past and the present.

Thinking it Through will:

  • Provide teaching, learning, and assessment opportunities related to the curricular competencies in the revised curriculum.
  • Bridge and makes sense of changes in the new curriculum, and supplement the existing Social Studies textbooks.
  • Contain poignant images, maps, quotes, artwork, graphs, and other sources that teachers will recognize as classic tools for instruction. Students will remember the stories associated with them.
  • Organized by learning standards, and indexed by topics, with page references to Crossroads, Horizons, and Counterpoints to allow for diverse uses by teachers.
  • Contains 7 topics, each organized by these sections:
    • Making Connections — a 2-page visual introduction — a map that will show how topics can be understood by practicing competencies.
    • Thinking it Through — source-based activities that activate the curricular competencies.
    • Expressing Understanding — options for summary activities that require synthesis of competencies, knowledge, and understanding.

Teacher Resource will contain teaching notes, lesson ideas, templates and rubrics for students or teachers to extend the “working with competencies” activities.


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