Growing Language and Literacy, 6-12

Strategies for Secondary Multilingual Learners As secondary teachers, we want to help our multilingual students flourish academically and socially. Andrea Honigsfeld has tailored her bestselling Growing Language and Literacy K-8 to help us do just that. This new edition provides Grade 6-12 teachers with research-informed recommendations and concrete examples of what works with adolescent multiling… Read more

Strategies for Secondary Multilingual Learners

As secondary teachers, we want to help our multilingual students flourish academically and socially. Andrea Honigsfeld has tailored her bestselling Growing Language and Literacy K-8 to help us do just that. This new edition provides Grade 6-12 teachers with research-informed recommendations and concrete examples of what works with adolescent multilingual learners.

Andrea unpacks the five levels of language acquisition and introduces practical strategies that can be applied across grade levels and content areas to support adolescent multilingual learners.


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