Pearson Canada Math

Inspiring Positive Math Stories Anytime, Anywhere

We at Pearson believe that every child has the right to a strong math foundation, to feel confident in their mathematical abilities, and to have the necessary tools to take on everyday challenges.

And we believe in teachers and their abilities to help their students develop happy, empowering, and positive math stories.

Matific is a New Adaptive Learning Math Solution Your Students and Teachers Will Love!

Fun For Students:

Engaging, curriculum-aligned on-line activities that:

  • Are interactive, adaptive and personalized
  • Inspire critical thinking and problem-solving while reducing math anxiety
Saves Teachers Prep Time:
  • A comprehensive teacher dashboard provides teachers with real time data on what students know and where they can improve is your on-line hub for curriculum-aligned K-9 math resources. Everything you need to teach engaging math, all in one place!

Learn More Here

Mathology Activity Kits Grades 1 and 2: Your students will love these activities and games! You will love the assessment opportunities that help you get to know your students as math learners.

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